Our Protein Story
How much protein
do we need?
Our bodies need protein for growth and maintenance throughout our lives and in particularly under certain circumstances.
Especially in childhood when the body needs to grow. After intense exercise to recover and strengthen our muscles. In the natural process of ageing when we want to keep our bodies fit for as long as possible. And in times of disease when we want to recover as quickly as possible.
Protein needs
Grams of proteins per kg body weight per day
FAO/WHO/UNU (2002)
Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition. Geneva.
Deutz et al. (2014)
Protein intake and exercise for optimal muscle function with aging: recommendations from the ESPEN Expert Group. Clin Nutr. 33(6):929-36.

Growth and development
In their childhood period, children need to grow to their potential heights. For building muscles, bones and other tissues, the growing body needs sufficient building blocks, such as protein.
Milk is a natural source of protein. Protein is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children. After the first year, when many children are breast-fed, children can switch to regular milk or a follow-up formula. These products of FrieslandCampina contain nutrients to support growth and development of the body.

Recovery after sports
When exercising intensively to, for instance, train for running half a marathon, protein can help the body to optimally benefit from the training.
The intake of protein immediately after training supports a good recovery and growth of muscles. Research shows that consumption of 20 grams of high-quality protein immediately after exercising is an important stimulus for building up muscle mass. Take, for example, a bowl of quark or a specific recovery drink enriched with dairy protein.

Healthy ageing
Ageing changes the body. This is a normal physiological process. After the age of 50, muscle mass starts to decrease slowly. This almost goes without noticing, but it significantly adds up over the years.
When getting older, we all want to stay fit and healthy and keep doing the things we have always done. A combination of physical activity and a balanced diet containing dairy protein is the best recipe for preserving our bodies.
At the age of 50, a combination of 2.5 hours of physical activity per week (of which resistance training twice a week) and 2-3 portions of dairy with its high quality proteins per day is best.

Frail elderly
For frail elderly (70+) it is even more important to choose the best protein sources, especially when they are physically in a frail condition or in periods of physical illness.
The body has difficulty renewing the muscles and needs more protein for basic maintenance. However, due to loss of appetite or chewing problems, eating becomes more difficult and this often leads to insufficient consumption of protein.
Research suggests that a combination of physical activity and high-protein dairy products is essential for frail elderly to remain fit and self-supporting.